Játékok online

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Építsd fel a birodalmad, szerezz szövetségeseket és ellenségeket! Vívd meg csatáidat és győzz ebben a valósidejű, online stratégiai játékban! Mutasd meg, hogy te vagy a legjobb stratéga! Imperia Online 5.03KÉpítsd fel a birodalmad, szerezz szövetségeseket és ellenségeket! Vívd meg csatáidat...Profi billiárd, amibe azért bárki beletanulhat!Blast Billiards 43.850KProfi billiárd, amibe azért bárki beletanulhat!Kártyázz egy jót, tegyél mindent félre!Kings Klondike4.61427KKártyázz egy jót, tegyél mindent félre!Igazi klasszikus mahjong, amelyben a táblák egyre nagyobbak lesznek.Mahjong Connect Magic4.0155KIgazi klasszikus mahjong, amelyben a táblák egyre nagyobbak lesznek.Imádni fogod, mert egy pompás zuhatagjáték!Cookie Jam Online3.7113KImádni fogod, mert egy pompás zuhatagjáték!Köss szövetséget törpökkel és tündékkel és csapj össze az árnyékvilág erőivel!  Shadow Kings 4.03KKöss szövetséget törpökkel és tündékkel és csapj össze az árnyékvilág erőivel! Köss szövetséget törpökkel és tündékkel és csapj össze az árnyékvilág erőivel!  Shadow Kings 4.02KKöss szövetséget törpökkel és tündékkel és csapj össze az árnyékvilág erőivel! Merülj el a messzi tengereken vívott csaták izgalmas kalandjaiban, éld át a végtelen szabadság iránti vágyat, szerezz hírnevet és dicsőséget! Seafight 0.02KMerülj el a messzi tengereken vívott csaták izgalmas kalandjaiban, éld át a végtelen...Merülj el a messzi tengereken vívott csaták izgalmas kalandjaiban, éld át a végtelen szabadság iránti vágyat, szerezz hírnevet és dicsőséget! Seafight 5.03KMerülj el a messzi tengereken vívott csaták izgalmas kalandjaiban, éld át a végtelen...Védd meg a Pirate Storm tengereit a jégfarkasoktól december 10. és január 9. között a téli eventen! Pirate Storm 3.04KVédd meg a Pirate Storm tengereit a jégfarkasoktól december 10. és január 9. között...
Védd meg a Pirate Storm tengereit a jégfarkasoktól december 10. és január 9. között a téli eventen! Pirate Storm 4.04KVédd meg a Pirate Storm tengereit a jégfarkasoktól december 10. és január 9. között...Hozd létre a saját világodat a Rising Cities városod polgármestereként!  Rising Cities 4.120KHozd létre a saját világodat a Rising Cities városod polgármestereként! Szervezz polgármesterként hatalmas téli fesztivált a Rising Cities városod lakóinak december 19-től 31-ig! Rising Cities 4.03KSzervezz polgármesterként hatalmas téli fesztivált a Rising Cities városod lakóinak... My Little Farmies játékban megalapíthatod a saját középkori falvadat. My Little Farmies 4.62K My Little Farmies játékban megalapíthatod a saját középkori falvadat. My Little Farmies játékban megalapíthatod a saját középkori falvadat. My Little Farmies 4.83K My Little Farmies játékban megalapíthatod a saját középkori falvadat.Az óceán mélyén veszély ólálkodik! Deepolis 0.04KAz óceán mélyén veszély ólálkodik!Az óceán mélyén veszély ólálkodik! Deepolis 0.02KAz óceán mélyén veszély ólálkodik!Csillogó króm, hatalmas kerekek, a napfény megcsillan a körnnyûfém felniken. Garbage Garage 0.02KCsillogó króm, hatalmas kerekek, a napfény megcsillan a körnnyûfém felniken.Csillogó króm, hatalmas kerekek, a napfény megcsillan a körnnyûfém felniken. Garbage Garage 0.02KCsillogó króm, hatalmas kerekek, a napfény megcsillan a körnnyûfém felniken.Csatlakozz a hős mágusok vagy sárkányharcosok táborához, vívj meg izgalmas csatákat és védd meg az ártatlan embereket! Drakensang 0.02KCsatlakozz a hős mágusok vagy sárkányharcosok táborához, vívj meg izgalmas csatákat...
Csatlakozz a hős mágusok vagy sárkányharcosok táborához, vívj meg izgalmas csatákat és védd meg az ártatlan embereket! Drakensang 0.02KCsatlakozz a hős mágusok vagy sárkányharcosok táborához, vívj meg izgalmas csatákat...Alapítsd meg és irányítsd a saját vad állatkerted! ZooMumba 3.423KAlapítsd meg és irányítsd a saját vad állatkerted!Alapítsd meg és irányítsd a saját vad állatkerted! ZooMumba 0.06KAlapítsd meg és irányítsd a saját vad állatkerted!Készen állsz a felszállásra? Akkor tervezd meg a saját online repülőteredet! Skyrama 5.03KKészen állsz a felszállásra? Akkor tervezd meg a saját online repülőteredet!Készen állsz a felszállásra? Akkor tervezd meg a saját online repülőteredet! Skyrama 0.02KKészen állsz a felszállásra? Akkor tervezd meg a saját online repülőteredet!Hozd létre a saját szórakoztató központodat izgalmas attrakciókkal, lebilincselő show-eseményekkel és egyedi témasarkokkal! My Fantastic Park 5.03KHozd létre a saját szórakoztató központodat izgalmas attrakciókkal, lebilincselő...Gyere és focizz egy jót!Kickoff Mayhem2.56KGyere és focizz egy jót!Take a trip to the delicious world of Chocoland, where chocolates appear and disappear like magic! This is a dream come true for a little boy, Carlos Cubo, who has never had chocolate in his life. Help him collect the chocolates before they vanish, but le...Chocoland0.01KTake a trip to the delicious world of Chocoland, where chocolates appear and disappear...Move the Wizard out of the Orcs' destructive path while collecting gems in this deceptively simple reflex-and-avoidance game. Use the special powerup gem to freeze the Orcs in place so the Wizard can squash them. Watch out--more nasty Orcs will appea...Wizard vs. Orcs3.02KMove the Wizard out of the Orcs' destructive path while collecting gems in this...X-Type is a crazy space shoot 'em up with endless boss battles. Evade hundreds of bullets while taking out the enemy piece by piece. Each time you defeat a boss, the next one will come back even bigger and meaner.X-Type2.01KX-Type is a crazy space shoot 'em up with endless boss battles. Evade hundreds...
Crates is a simple, addictive game where you click/tap to jump over crates that cause explosion on contact. You need to be quick and extremely precise or you will be stuck trying to beat your friends on the high score list for a long time!Crates0.01KCrates is a simple, addictive game where you click/tap to jump over crates that cause...Journey through galaxies in a prototype spacecraft, traversing as many lightyears from home as you can. Manage your resources wisely to survive the infinite encounters you will face in the unchartered regions of space. The further you travel, the more dif...Proto2.02KJourney through galaxies in a prototype spacecraft, traversing as many lightyears...Vibrant Recycling is a fun and educational arcade game where the player helps recycling bins collect and recycle waste.  Earn bonus point by collecting waste in the air, and don't let the waste float or sink off-screen!  If you choose the wrong bin t...Vibrant Recycling1.82KVibrant Recycling is a fun and educational arcade game where the player helps recycling...Shuffl is a classic tile-sliding puzzle game, but in this version, you can upload your own photos! Bring all the tiles back into the original position. Sounds simple, but is really hard. Choose to solve puzzles of either provided images or your own photos...Shuffl0.02KShuffl is a classic tile-sliding puzzle game, but in this version, you can upload...Run for your life! Avoid zombie attacks and jump over obstacles. Collect food as  you run and use it to upgrade your abilities to become faster and stronger. Feeling brave?  Barge into zombies to knock them down. Watch out: higher levels mean more zombies...Zombie Getaway0.039Run for your life! Avoid zombie attacks and jump over obstacles. Collect food as...Survive the shrinking tide as long as possible and destroy debris falling towards the ocean floor! Use bouncing bubbles as your weapon against the debris, and pick up falling treasure as you go. How long can you survive the tide?Breakout Cove1.51KSurvive the shrinking tide as long as possible and destroy debris falling towards...Imagine, what if the cure exists? What if the zombie plague can be stopped? Explore an old, abandoned graveyard, heal as many zombies as you can, and find your way out. But be careful not to become one of them!Heal'em All1.51KImagine, what if the cure exists? What if the zombie plague can be stopped? Explore...It's not a shame to use your brain! This game will check your mad math skills. Select a combination of numbers to equal the value displayed in the bubble next to Brainie's head. Start with simple arithmetic and move on to more complex mulplicati...Brainie0.049It's not a shame to use your brain! This game will check your mad math skills....Quacky is an ambitious duck who wants to be the highest flying duck in the world, climbing buildings as part of his training. Help him reach new heights and avoid obstacles in this casual endless-runner.Quacky McFly0.01KQuacky is an ambitious duck who wants to be the highest flying duck in the world,...Zlotnan is hungry! Feed him by dragging and releasing his tongue to catch falling coins. Don't touch the falling snowflakes! The more coins you catch, the faster the coins and snowflakes will start to fall. Catch more than one coin at a time for bonu...Zlotnan0.01KZlotnan is hungry! Feed him by dragging and releasing his tongue to catch falling...
Soccer: played in all four corners of the planet, a true passion that stirs the patriotism and pride of all. Played with feet as we know, but now you can use your fingers to be part of this great tournament, which aims to find the best team in the world. ...Brazilcup 20142.43KSoccer: played in all four corners of the planet, a true passion that stirs the patriotism...How well do you know art? Take this short, sweet quiz and find out! Guess what is under the sticky note on the painting. Is it fruit, an animal, a building, a UFO...Is it something you never noticed before? Featuring 20 world-famous masterpieces, this gam...I Know Art3.04KHow well do you know art? Take this short, sweet quiz and find out! Guess what is...Swap any bug with its vertical or horizontal neighbor to form a row of 3 or more matching bugs. Match rows of 4 or more to win bombs and clear many bugs at once. Matching a set of bugs lights up the tiles beneath them. Light all the tiles in the grid to w...Bug Match0.056Swap any bug with its vertical or horizontal neighbor to form a row of 3 or more...Kitty loves playing with the colorful birds. Help her match the birds together to create combos and clear the flock before they reach the dog! Combine powerup birds, watch out for deflectors, and use perfect aim in this fun bubble-shooting puzzle game!Kitty Combo0.02KKitty loves playing with the colorful birds. Help her match the birds together to...Snacky Line is a puzzle game where you need to connect pairs of yummy snacks. You can draw a line between two adjacent snacks or a line along the board edge! Longer lines will earn you more points. Warning: playing this game might make you hungry!Snacky Line2.82KSnacky Line is a puzzle game where you need to connect pairs of yummy snacks. You...Blast off and fly high into the sky! Put on your jetpack, wave goodbye to loved ones, and jump into the stars. Can you make it through the floating mines as you reach for your dreams?Jump to the Stars3.01KBlast off and fly high into the sky! Put on your jetpack, wave goodbye to loved ones,...Fantastic steampunk graphics await you in a game that is easy to play but hard to master. Memorize the sequences and repeat exactly as given. Stay focused and earn coins to purchase parts for assembling your own steampunk robot! How many sequences can you...Steam Simon0.02KFantastic steampunk graphics await you in a game that is easy to play but hard to...Help our little flying friend avoid the green pipes and get the highest score in this addictive endless runner!Flappy Fowl3.82KHelp our little flying friend avoid the green pipes and get the highest score in...Run, Pixie RUN! And fly. In fact, mainly fly. Tap or click to fly up; release to drop back down. Collect colorful charms for Pixie Power. It couldn't be simpler! Just don't touch the sharp pointy objects...Run Pixie Run5.05KRun, Pixie RUN! And fly. In fact, mainly fly. Tap or click to fly up; release to...You are a Beast Master! Save the island of Gaia from a lurking evil with the help of fearless allies. Discover over 150 extraordinary creatures and train them to fight. Lead your creatures to victory in turn-based battles where good tactics are key!Creatures of Gaia3.24KYou are a Beast Master! Save the island of Gaia from a lurking evil with the help...
Join the colorful sea creatures of BubbleFish for a match-3 game you'll love! Aim the bubble-shooter to make a match of 3 or more connecting creatures, and fire when ready. Use your skills to clear the board, reach the next level, and earn powerups!BubbleFish3.13KJoin the colorful sea creatures of BubbleFish for a match-3 game you'll love!...The urchins want to explode, so give them what they want! Tap on the urchins to explode them and watch a fantastic chain reaction as nearby urchins also explode. Win by exploding all the urchins in the given moves before time runs out. Want 3 stars? You&#...Urchins Boom0.02KThe urchins want to explode, so give them what they want! Tap on the urchins to explode...The 100-year-old crossword puzzle just got an update! Daily Celebrity Crossword is the first and only daily crossword puzzle that features the latest in pop culture and entertainment. No more obscure references or devious wordplay, these puzzles are fun a...Daily Celebrity Crossword1.02KThe 100-year-old crossword puzzle just got an update! Daily Celebrity Crossword is...Monsters are invading from across the fence! Ignore their mischievous laughter and smack 'em by either clicking or tapping. But beware: if you allow any monsters across or touch the harmless cats and dogs, your smacking spree ends at once. Can you ex...Monster Smack1.81KMonsters are invading from across the fence! Ignore their mischievous laughter and...Cory and his friends embark on a bold quest to help their friend Dendry, a baby walking tree in need of nourishment! Help them search for nutrient-rich mushrooms in the ancestral Monkey Village, the lush Carrot Hills, and the sunlit Wavy Woods. Collect th...Mushroom Hunting0.01KCory and his friends embark on a bold quest to help their friend Dendry, a baby walking...IonDrift:epsilon puts you in a futuristic race where fearless pilots risk everything to claim the title of the Ultimate Racer.  In Time Trial Mode, you need to beat the best times for each course, while Race Mode lets you face off against fearsome opponen...IonDrift:epsilon3.31KIonDrift:epsilon puts you in a futuristic race where fearless pilots risk everything...Bounce the bubbles off of the cute and colorful monsters! How many combos can you get in this casual endless arcade game?Bubbo Jerk0.01KBounce the bubbles off of the cute and colorful monsters! How many combos can you...A classic Snake-inspired game where you control a chick. Avoid the eggs and wall while making the eggs follow you to the nest. Time to Chick-IN!ChickIN2.52KA classic Snake-inspired game where you control a chick. Avoid the eggs and wall...Earth is under attack! A powerful alien race has devastated our planet's defenses. As commander of our last remaining fleet, you and your forces are all that is left standing between us and annihilation...Position your ships carefully, estimate your ...Intergalactic Battleships1.72KEarth is under attack! A powerful alien race has devastated our planet's defenses....Help the King Plug reach the sleeping plug and wake him up!  Rotate the pieces in between to connect them. This is a fun and unique chain-reaction puzzle game featuring various levels of difficulty.Plug's Quest0.01KHelp the King Plug reach the sleeping plug and wake him up! Rotate the pieces in...