Clear garbage by clicking or tapping on a piece of garbage adjacent to matching pieces of garbage. Save fish by clearing all trash above them.
Find large groups of matching items! Use powerups to clear large amounts of garbage at once: octopus clears a block around him, crab eliminates all similar items on the page, and electric eel clears vertical and horizontal lines of garbage. Get bonus points for clearing all garbage, rescuing all fish, and using fewer moves than given to achieve target score.
Underwater matching puzzle game
Detailed tutorial so you can practice before playing
Replay a level to improve score or continue to next level
Over 35 free levels!
Find large groups of matching items! Use powerups to clear large amounts of garbage at once: octopus clears a block around him, crab eliminates all similar items on the page, and electric eel clears vertical and horizontal lines of garbage. Get bonus points for clearing all garbage, rescuing all fish, and using fewer moves than given to achieve target score.
Underwater matching puzzle game
Detailed tutorial so you can practice before playing
Replay a level to improve score or continue to next level
Over 35 free levels!
Aqua Rescue
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbAqua Rescue
közösségében!Hasonló játékok... online

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