Hit all of the sea creatures with your pearls to clear the level. Click/Tap and hold to aim, release to shoot. Get two or more stars to advance to the next level. Use the crab for extra bounces and bonuses. Spend your points on enhancements in the store.
Launch your ball at exactly the right time so you hit the crab. Remember to keep track of both your points AND the amount of balls you have remaining. Think about the angle the ball will bounce at!
A cute pinball dropping game.
An in-game shop full of powerups!
Many levels that can be replayed and mastered.
Launch your ball at exactly the right time so you hit the crab. Remember to keep track of both your points AND the amount of balls you have remaining. Think about the angle the ball will bounce at!
A cute pinball dropping game.
An in-game shop full of powerups!
Many levels that can be replayed and mastered.
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbBlowFish
közösségében!Hasonló játékok... online

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