Your goal is to lead eggs to the nest! Use arrow keys either on desktop keyboard or on game-screen. Eggs will automatically follow from behind and link together. Touch the nest to drop off eggs. Don't touch the eggs or the wall!
Speed will increase the more you play, so be quick with your turns. Drop eggs in the nest frequently!
Inspired by retro arcade game
Simple mechanics with increasingly challenging game-play
Lead as many eggs to the nest as possible and post high scores to the leaderboard!
Speed will increase the more you play, so be quick with your turns. Drop eggs in the nest frequently!
Inspired by retro arcade game
Simple mechanics with increasingly challenging game-play
Lead as many eggs to the nest as possible and post high scores to the leaderboard!
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbChickIN
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