Click or Tap frogs after they start glowing and before they disappear. Get maximum points for catching all frogs before time is up. Avoid poisonous frogs or you will lost points. Catch the golden frogs for bonus points.
The frogs come and go quickly; catch them all before they disappear! Red and blue frogs take away points. Dark brown frogs mean Game Over. The more you play, the more frogs you'll have to catch!
A frog-collecting reaction game
Collect the frogs to score points and level up
Avoid the dangerous frogs but catch the bonus frogs!
The frogs come and go quickly; catch them all before they disappear! Red and blue frogs take away points. Dark brown frogs mean Game Over. The more you play, the more frogs you'll have to catch!
A frog-collecting reaction game
Collect the frogs to score points and level up
Avoid the dangerous frogs but catch the bonus frogs!
Crazy Frog
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbCrazy Frog
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