Memorize the pattern that appears. Choose the right color and click or tap on the empty cell where you want to draw. Draw the pattern quickly and correctly to earn maximum points. If you make a mistake, spend points on retries or hints.
Don't forget to choose the right color at the beginning of each round! Though this game is not timed, you'll get bonus points the faster you can recreate the pattern.
Puzzle game to sharpen your memory
Simple shapes become complex patterns
Choose to continue playing where you left-off or start a new game
Leaderboard so you can compare your score with others
Don't forget to choose the right color at the beginning of each round! Though this game is not timed, you'll get bonus points the faster you can recreate the pattern.
Puzzle game to sharpen your memory
Simple shapes become complex patterns
Choose to continue playing where you left-off or start a new game
Leaderboard so you can compare your score with others
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbMonkory
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