Click or tap on clusters of 3 or more same-colored bricks to implode them. If you destroy a cluster of 10 or more bricks, you get a bonus bomb! Click or tap on the bomb to implode all surrounding bricks. Earn points and level up for more bombs imploded.
Don't let the stacks of bricks reach the top or it's Game Over! With each level, the pace gets faster, and the stacks begin closer to the surface!If you lose a level, you return to Level 1.
Fast-paced matching game
Larger groups of blocks will earn you more points
The longer you play, the faster the pace!
Don't let the stacks of bricks reach the top or it's Game Over! With each level, the pace gets faster, and the stacks begin closer to the surface!If you lose a level, you return to Level 1.
Fast-paced matching game
Larger groups of blocks will earn you more points
The longer you play, the faster the pace!
Ocean Implosion
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbOcean Implosion
közösségében!Hasonló játékok... online

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