Draw a path connecting matching colored markers. Click/tap and drag a path from one marker to its match. Double click/tap to delete a path. Paths may not cross. Connect all markers before time runs out! Each level increases in difficulty with more markers to match in less time.
The shortest route is not always the best route! Strategize how to avoid lines crossing one another. If you match all the markers, you can retry the level to increase your score or progress to the next level.
HTML5 game you can play on both desktop and mobile devices
Beat the clock for each level
Retry a level to beat your previous score or move on to the next level for a more challenging puzzle
The shortest route is not always the best route! Strategize how to avoid lines crossing one another. If you match all the markers, you can retry the level to increase your score or progress to the next level.
HTML5 game you can play on both desktop and mobile devices
Beat the clock for each level
Retry a level to beat your previous score or move on to the next level for a more challenging puzzle
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