Click or tap to draw a line between two matching snacks. You can draw a line between adjacent snacks or you can connect snacks that are on the outer edge of the game board. The longer the line is, the more points you score!
When connecting the outer snacks, look for the one that is furthest - don't settle for the close ones! Keep an eye on the timer!
HTML5 game that you can play on both desktop and mobile
A matching game that features delicious snacks.
Check the high score page, and play until you beat your best score. Then repeat!
When connecting the outer snacks, look for the one that is furthest - don't settle for the close ones! Keep an eye on the timer!
HTML5 game that you can play on both desktop and mobile
A matching game that features delicious snacks.
Check the high score page, and play until you beat your best score. Then repeat!
Snacky Line
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbSnacky Line
közösségében!Hasonló játékok... online

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