Drag the space cop to move him. Click or tap to shoot. Hold and release for a power shot. Press M or L letters to shoot upgraded weapons and hold these keys to fire.
Avoid weapon fire and destroy the enemy. Keep moving and shooting. Enemies will grow in size and number, and will continue to attack until you come to face a swarm of pirates, ships, and weaponry!
Fast-paced space shooter featuring one hero against a legion of pirates
Enemies increase in number and size as the game evolves
Power-ups for larger, stronger weapons
Original, hand-drawn art
Avoid weapon fire and destroy the enemy. Keep moving and shooting. Enemies will grow in size and number, and will continue to attack until you come to face a swarm of pirates, ships, and weaponry!
Fast-paced space shooter featuring one hero against a legion of pirates
Enemies increase in number and size as the game evolves
Power-ups for larger, stronger weapons
Original, hand-drawn art
Super Space Cop
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbSuper Space Cop
közösségében!Hasonló játékok... online

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