Click or tap urchin to blow it up and cause a chain reaction that will blow up other urchins in the direct path of its explosion. Blow up all urchins in the given moves and time to level-up. Each level gets progressively harder!
Use strategy to decide how best to use your limited moves. Green urchins are the hardest to burst, then orange, then purple, and finally red, which are the easiest to burst and which will cause a chain reaction to burst the other urchins.
Underwater chain-reaction puzzle game
Fun upbeat music
Test your skills of strategy & speed
Watch the urchins go boom!
Use strategy to decide how best to use your limited moves. Green urchins are the hardest to burst, then orange, then purple, and finally red, which are the easiest to burst and which will cause a chain reaction to burst the other urchins.
Underwater chain-reaction puzzle game
Fun upbeat music
Test your skills of strategy & speed
Watch the urchins go boom!
Urchins Boom
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbUrchins Boom
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