Click or tap to move the Wizard and collect gems. If the Orcs catch the wizard, it's Game Over. Blue gem temporarily freezes the Orcs, at which point the Wizard can squash them.
Don't stop moving! The Wizard can only eliminate the Orcs by squashing them while they're frozen. Blue gems freeze the Orcs.
HTML5 game you can play on desktop and mobile
Reflex and avoidance game
See how many gems you can collect!
Check the leaderboard and compare your score with others!
Don't stop moving! The Wizard can only eliminate the Orcs by squashing them while they're frozen. Blue gems freeze the Orcs.
HTML5 game you can play on desktop and mobile
Reflex and avoidance game
See how many gems you can collect!
Check the leaderboard and compare your score with others!
Wizard vs. Orcs
- gyere játssz, értékelj és tedd közzé legjobb eredményed itt, az ország egyik legnagyobbWizard vs. Orcs
közösségében!Hasonló játékok... online

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